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Car Rider Procedures

In order to ensure student safety for Car Riders during morning drop off/afternoon pick up, please review our Car Rider Procedures.


If your child is a Morning Car Rider at any time during the school year, please note the Safety Priority for drop off:
  • Vehicles enter the school property and should travel through the perimeter of the parking lot. 
  • In order to continue the flow of traffic, vehicles should not park in the driving lanes or on the curb areas. 
  • Students must get out of the vehicle on the passenger side onto the sidewalk.
  • Students are not permitted to walk from a car to the sidewalk without an adult.


If your child is an Afternoon Car Rider at any time during the school year, please note the Safety Priority for pick-up:

  • You may enter the parking lot beginning at 3:30 pm. The dismissal process begins at 3:45 pm.
  • Parents/guardians should park between the clearly marked white lines of parking spaces in the parking lot (i.e. not on the grass, not on the perimeter of the parking lot, or in a fire lane) and get out of the car to line up at their child's assigned dismissal door.
  • Students are released to their parents/guardians by last name locations. Signs will be posted on the sidewalk to indicate the pickup locations to assist you.

A-K = Door #14  (near the music room)

L-Z = Door #16 (green gym doors)

If there is a carpool of several children, use Door #16. If your child is in a carpool for dismissal, please write all of the children's names on your child’s note.

  • Parents will stand outside at their designated pick-up location and, when asked, share their child's name with the car rider staff.
  • Pick-up doors will remain open until 4:00 pm. If you are late, please buzz the front door. Your child will always be safe in the office.
  • Parents should indicate on the Wexford Daily PM Car Rider form if their child is going to be a car rider every day, on certain days of the week, all year, or on a regular basis. This eliminates the need for a PM car rider note every day. 
  • If your child will be an occasional car rider, a note must be submitted to the school office prior to 1:30 pm that day. The classroom teacher must also be informed if a child is an afternoon car rider for the day.

Unauthorized vehicles are not permitted to park in a designated handicapped parking spot at any time.

Car Rider Forms

Students who will be dismissed as a regular car rider must have a PM Car Rider Dismissal form completed. Car rider forms do not carry over from the previous school year. A new form is required each school year. Completed forms can be emailed to the Wexford Office to or or turned in on the first day of school.