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20th Annual Read to Feed

Wexford Elementary School is entering its 20th year for the Read to Feed program, encouraging students to read while benefiting a great community cause. 

READ: Beginning November 1, students will pledge to read daily and keep track using a reading log. Tracking will end on November 15.

FEED: Students will ask family and friends to sponsor their reading while collecting donations to benefit local families. 

Reading logs will be sent home in take-home folders next week. Reading logs are due back by Monday, November 18

A Student Reading Log & Sponsorship Form can be found here.

All sponsorship money raised by our students will be donated to the KDKA Turkey Fund, which distributes meals throughout the KDKA-TV viewing area in partnership with Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. A $20 donation can provide ONE local family with the means to gather and share a meal with loved ones.

Please return the reading log to your student's teacher and donations in an envelope marked "KDKA Turkey Fund". Checks are preferred and should be made payable to "KDKA Turkey Fund". All donations are tax deductable. 

For our 20th year, Wexford Elementary School aims to raise $20,000!

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