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Wexford Library Book Celebration Donation

The book celebration is an opportunity to honor your student, celebrate important occasions - birthdays, special milestones, etc. - and give the gift of reading to Wexford students!  You can simply log into Amazon Smile, see all the book choices chosen by Mrs. Clarkson that are wanted for the library.




  1. Sign in with your Amazon Smile Account
  2. Help your child select a book from the list 
  3. Order the book
  4. Select "This is a gift"
  5. Proceed to Checkout
  6. Ship to: "Gift Registry Address". This will ship directly to Wexford Elementary. Add "Gift Message" prompt. Please add your student's name and teacher. 

When the book arrives it will be processed as a library book and a blank Celebration Book Club sticker will be affixed to the inside front cover. Your child will be presented with the book, photographed with their book and the photo will be added here!
Your child will be the first to borrow and read the new library book. When it comes home, write your child a personal message on the blank bookplate before returning to the library.